Archive: startup

Learn How the Top VCs Choose Startups

By Adam Sharp on September 11, 2020

This week top-tier venture capital firm Bessemer Venture Partners released the original deal memos from some of their best startup investments. These memos provide a fascinating look at how VCs operate, think and make investment decisions. Today we’re going to look at a few highlights from these memos. But I strongly recommend you read them all.  First, let’s take a look at Bessemer’s memo…

Startup Insider: Evaluating Raise Pages

By Early Investing on September 10, 2020

One of the trickier aspects of startup investing is evaluating raise pages. For investors, these pages are often the only source of information available on a startup. But for companies that are raising funds, these pages are a marketing exercise. The goal is to present the company in…

The New Way to Generate Wealth

By John Fanning on September 9, 2020

Note: A few weeks ago, we welcomed John Fanning to the Early Investing family. Today, we’re pleased to bring you his second column. If you’re not familiar with John, he’s worth getting to know. He was the founding chairman and CEO of napster. He…

Where the Best Deals Are

By Adam Sharp on September 8, 2020

Just after the COVID-19 lockdown began, startup deals slowed to a crawl. And they stayed at that pace for a few weeks. Now, things are roaring back. Many new early-stage investment funds have formed over the last few months. Competition for “hot” deals is crazier than…

New Pick: The Future of Sustainable Supply Chains

By Andy Gordon on September 3, 2020

Deal Details Startup: Bext360 Security type: Crowd Note Valuation: $7.75 million Conversion discount: 20% Stage: Seed Minimum investment: $1,000 Where to invest: SeedInvest Deadline: September…

The Best Startups ‘Cheat’

By Andy Gordon on September 2, 2020

I love cheaters. In fact, I only invest in startups that “cheat.” I don’t mean companies that are running scams or lying about their services. No, I mean the startups that redefine — that cheat — the game of risk and reward. Companies that can lower…

Expanding the Definition of Accredited Investors

By Adam Sharp on September 1, 2020

This week the SEC expanded its definition of “accredited investor” (AI). Now investment professionals — as well as certain other individuals and groups — can qualify without satisfying the SEC’s income or wealth requirements — $200,000 annual income for the last two years…

New Pick: Invest in Saving Millions of Lives

By Andy Gordon on August 31, 2020

DEAL DETAILS  Startup: Biopact CT Security type: Common stock  Valuation: $30 million  Share price: $1.55  Minimum investment: $465  Where to invest: Equifund  Deadline: February…

Lessons Learned from More Than 100 Investments

By Adam Sharp on August 28, 2020

I’ve been investing in startups online for six years now. I’ve made small investments in more than 100 companies so far. I’ve also been part of three funds which invested in another 32 startups. Today I’m going to share some of the key lessons I’ve learned…

Only Days Left to Invest in Better Conflict Resolution

By Early Investing on August 27, 2020

It’s not often that companies and workers alike line up to use new HR dispute resolution software. Yet that’s exactly what’s happening with People First RH. It’s why Andy Gordon first recommended investing in the startup to First Stage Investor members in June.

The Truth About Risk and Reward

By Andy Gordon on August 26, 2020

Whether you realize it or not, chances are you believe in the risk-reward trade-off. In its most basic form, it means the lower the risk, the lower the potential returns. And the higher the risk, the higher the potential returns. The basic idea sounds perfectly logical.

How the Tech Exodus Affects VCs

By Adam Sharp on August 25, 2020

Last week I wrote about the current trend of businesses fleeing California. I believe this will be one of the defining issues of our time. California’s tech exodus can be traced to many deep and complex societal issues. California has taxes…

Startup Insider: How to Pick the Right Startups

By Early Investing on August 24, 2020

This week, Andy Gordon and Vin Narayanan show you exactly what makes them Startup Insiders. They take you deep inside the process of evaluating founders and the startups they run. And they also discuss why startup investing is more important than ever in these…

Tech Companies Flee California (Finally)

By Adam Sharp on August 21, 2020

For the last 50 years, California has been the home to a huge portion of America’s tech companies. Specifically, an oversized chunk of tech companies are headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area (SFBA).  Here’s a list of just some of the major companies headquartered in…

Portfolio Update: Monogram Thinking Raise and Exit

By Andy Gordon on August 20, 2020

While COVID-19 has slowed down economic activity across the country, Monogram has actually sped up. We recommended Monogram to you almost exactly a year ago. It makes “perfect-fit” hip implants that will be followed by “perfect-fit” knee replacements. Monogram’s…

The Number One Rule of Investing

By John Fanning on August 19, 2020

Note: We’re pleased to welcome John Fanning to the Early Investing family. John was the founding chairman and CEO of napster. He has an impressive track record as both a founder and startup investor. And he will be sharing his thoughts — and occasional startup recommendations — on…