Archive: startup


Cityzenith Shuttered, but Investors Still Have Hope

By Vin Narayanan on June 8, 2023

Many First Stage Investor members have written in to ask us about Cityzenith closing its business. We recommended Cityzenith as an investment opportunity in September 2020. And like you, we’re disappointed that Cityzenith closed. We were hoping for big things.  I reached out this week to Cityzenith founder and CEO Michael Jansen to see if we could have a quick conversation. I wanted to better understand why…
Cancer sucks. Everyone knows someone who has been affected by this deadly disease. And while treatment has come a long way, there is still no cure. The disease kills more than 600,000 people in the United States every year. Billions of dollars have been poured into…
When we first recommended Avadain in June 2022, we were blown away by the company’s take on the next “super material” — aka graphene. Graphene can withstand incredible amounts of stress without breaking. And it’s nearly a perfect electrical conductor. Avadain makes nearly…
Editor’s Note: This recommendation was co-authored by KingsCrowd Senior Investment Research Analyst Léa Bouhelier-Gautreau. I take due diligence seriously. When I investigate a startup investment opportunity, I spend countless hours reading through the raise page and SEC filings. I…
We first recommended Pureboost back in November 2022. The company sells a powdered energy drink that has shown remarkable traction among a surprising demographic: women. Traditionally, the energy drink market is hyper-masculine in terms of both marketing messaging and clientele. Pureboost has…

New Pick: Invest in the Future of Sports Coaching

By Teddy Lyons on March 30, 2023

Golf is my favorite sport. There is nothing better than teeing it up early on a Sunday morning.  But here’s the problem. I’m pretty bad. And unless you’ve put in an enormous amount of time to develop your game, you are probably pretty bad too. …

New Pick: Crypto Payments Without the Headache

By Andy Gordon on March 9, 2023

Note: This recommendation was co-authored by KingsCrowd Investment Research Manager Olivia Strobl. Both Olivia and I have played in the cryptocurrency space for years. Like many crypto enthusiasts, we were first drawn to digital assets for their versatility. The…

Startup Insider: How to Invest in Works of Art

By Early Investing on March 1, 2023

Have you ever looked at a beautiful painting and wondered what it would be like to invest in it? Scott Lynn, founder and CEO of Masterworks, has given that idea a lot of thought. Masterworks is a platform that…

New Pick: This Startup Is a One in 1,000 Anomaly

By Andy Gordon on February 9, 2023

Note: This recommendation was co-authored by KingsCrowd Senior Investment Research Analyst Léa Bouhelier-Gautreau. I’m “lucky.” Cheating is in my blood. If anything gives me an advantage as an investor, I’m all in. I make no apologies — quite the opposite. The more unfair…
When we first recommended Genius Juice in May 2021, we were impressed by the company’s 100% organic coconut smoothies. They’re protein-rich, filling, nutritious, and tasty. Even better, Genius Juice smoothies contain “no dumb stuff” — as in, no added sugars, stabilizers, or other…
We first recommended TÖST in 2021. The company sells non-alcoholic sparkling beverages made with simple ingredients and low sugar.  We recently caught up with CEO Brooks Addington to see how things have been going over the last year and a half. …
Editor’s Note: This recommendation was co-authored by KingsCrowd Senior Investment Research Analyst Léa Bouhelier-Gautreau. My young colleague Léa Bouhelier-Gautreau is almost as well-traveled as I am (pretty remarkable since she’s about one-eighth my age). We love to…
Editor’s Note: This recommendation was co-authored by KingsCrowd Investment Research Manager Francis Vu. Asaak — the company I’m introducing to you today —  immediately intrigued me. As a Uganda-based fintech company, it’s very different from other startups I’ve shared…

New Pick: Unifying a Divided Smart Home Market

By Andy Gordon on January 12, 2023

Note: This report was co-authored by KingsCrowd Investment Research Manager Francis Vu. I was wrong about the Internet of Things (IoT). I began touting the coming revolution in smart devices about eight years ago. I said it…

SampleServe Is on the Brink of Major Growth

By Teddy Lyons on January 5, 2023

We recommended SampleServe back in 2020. SampleServe is a Michigan-based provider of environmental project and data management solutions. The company offers environmental sampling tools that allow gas stations and oil companies to monitor and manage underground contaminants as required by law. …

World Tree Steps Up Its Game

By Andy Gordon on December 19, 2022

World Tree is raising again — this time on StartEngine. This raise gives old and new investors alike a chance to grab a revenue share of the 2032 Empress Splendor harvest.  Raising every year is baked into World Tree’s…