Archive: crypto recommendation


New Pick: A Crypto With a Proven Vision

By Vin Narayanan on May 25, 2023

This month’s crypto recommendation is highly unusual — at least for us. Today I’m recommending a coin that’s already part of the Crypto Asset Strategies portfolio. And it’s the first time we’ve ever done that. Background We recommend small cap altcoins to our Crypto Asset Strategies members (click here to sign up). These investment opportunities are more speculative than the large cap coins…

Behind the Pick: A RAD Crypto for Your Portfolio

By Early Investing on May 19, 2023

Radicle — the latest addition to the Crypto Asset Strategies portfolio — is a unique recommendation for us. It’s run by a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), which makes RAD a governance token. With governance tokens, the overall health of the project and a smooth…
Timing the market is a fool’s errand. I’ve written and said that sentence often enough that if there’s ever a Comedy Central roast for me (not going to happen, but still fun to dream about), it will be used to make…
Last week, we added Osmosis (OSMO) to the Crypto Asset Strategies portfolio. It’s a decentralized exchange (DEX) for the Cosmos ecosystem. And it’s performing admirably in the middle of a brutal bear market.  Osmosis is a great way to gain additional exposure…
I’ve been tracking this month’s crypto recommendation for almost two years. I watched its roller-coaster ride to a more than $12 billion market capitalization and its sharp decline to a $2 billion market cap today. And I kept wondering when it would be the right time to invest.

Behind the Pick: A DEX for the Ages

By Early Investing on January 6, 2023

GMX is the latest addition to the Crypto Asset Strategies portfolio. GMX is a rising star in the world of decentralized exchanges. In November, GMX surpassed Uniswap in terms of daily fees earned. And it has performed remarkably well during the…

Crypto Insider: Linking the Present and the Future

By Early Investing on November 7, 2022

As early investors, we often find ourselves looking to the future. We want to find the next revolutionary crypto project or startup — the companies that will change the world as we know it.  But sometimes the world isn’t ready for those changes. As a result,…

New Pick: The Best of the Oracle Blockchains

By Vin Narayanan on October 24, 2022

I say or write “timing the market is a fool’s errand”™ so often I’ve started trademarking it. It’s almost impossible to predict the bottom of any market. And crypto markets are much more difficult to predict than others. The crypto markets have been stuck in neutral for extended…

Crypto Monitor: Two Years Later, Cosmos Is Still Going Strong

By Early Investing on October 21, 2022

It’s been two years since we recommended Cosmos (ATOM) to Crypto Asset Strategies subscribers. And it has consistently outperformed the market since then. We first recommended Cosmos when it was trading for $5.15. As of this writing, we’re up…

Behind the Pick: A Game Changer for Sports Fans

By Early Investing on October 7, 2022

Sports fans are some of the most passionate people on the planet. They care deeply for their teams and follow them religiously. But for most sports fans, going to a game in person or watching it on TV is the closest they ever get to their teams. …

New Pick: Taking Interoperability to a New Level

By Vin Narayanan on September 29, 2022

In bear markets, people tend to fixate on bitcoin and ethereum when it comes to crypto. And for good reason. If bitcoin and ethereum are falling, the crypto markets are likely following their lead. But if you look beyond bitcoin and ethereum, it’s possible to find…

Behind the Pick: Naming and Solving a Real World Problem

By Early Investing on August 5, 2022

What’s in a name? While William Shakespeare’s message in the famous “Romeo and Juliet” soliloquy may be that names are meaningless, they’re actually quite useful in the crypto world. You’ll understand if you’ve ever had to type out a crypto wallet address. Crypto wallet addresses…
Two weeks ago, we recommended that First Stage Investor subscribers invest in Polkadot (DOT). Polkadot is a multichain crypto protocol that connects and secures a network of specialized blockchains. It offers interoperability, scalability, high energy efficiency and user-driven governance.

Behind the Pick: A New Way of Diversifying

By Early Investing on June 24, 2022

The crypto markets are in rough shape right now. So it’s more important than ever for crypto investors to diversify their portfolios.  In crypto, diversifying usually means investing in a wide variety of spaces like decentralized finance (DeFi), interoperability, smart contracts, utility coins and more. But…

New Pick: An Interoperability Coin With Staying Power

By Vin Narayanan on June 23, 2022

Well, that happened quickly. On June 12, bitcoin was trading for more than $28,000. By the end of June 13, it had fallen as low as $21,000. By June 18, bitcoin had dipped below $18,000. Bitcoin has rallied a bit since then and is currently trading around $20,350.

Behind the Pick: The Importance of DeFi Diversification

By Early Investing on May 26, 2022

Memorial Day is rapidly approaching. So we expect many of our Crypto Asset Strategies subscribers to be preparing for a long weekend of relaxation.  With that in mind, we won’t keep you too long. We’ve got a lightning-fast version of Behind the…