Archive: massachusetts


Four States Gobble Up 80% of Venture Capital Dollars

By Vin Narayanan on October 28, 2019

Just four states receive 80% of all venture capital money. And 40% of all VC money raised goes to Facebook and Google ads. This is a stark reminder of just how broken the VC system is.

News Fix: WeWork Can’t Shake Off Its IPO Woes

By Vin Narayanan on September 21, 2019

In the news this week, WeWork’s IPO woes continue, Massachusetts’ vape sales decline and the U.S. Army looks to hire crypto investigators.
The opioid epidemic is a nationwide crisis. But three states that have legalized medical marijuana are seeing a more positive trend.

Massachusetts Turns to Marijuana to Stay Warm

By Allison Brickell on January 28, 2019

Last week, Massachusetts saw its recreational marijuana sales climb to a record high before dropping down to a major low as a major winter storm rolled through.
In this week’s News Fix, startup founders question the venture capital model, Rhode Island experiences FOMO and ethereum classic gets some relief after a 51% attack.