Archive: gmx

We’re in crypto allergy season — a time between the end of the crypto bear market and the start of the next bull market. That means cryptos are no longer moving in lockstep. Some will do well and some will struggle — especially altcoins. But the Crypto Asset Strategies portfolio has a few big altcoin winners. As of this writing, Cosmos is up 115%, GMX is up 46%, and Litentry is up…
One of the trickier elements of crypto portfolio construction is knowing when to diversify and when to double down on elements that are working. In order to be successful, you have to do both. For the past 12 months, we’ve focused mostly on diversification. We needed…

Behind the Pick: A DEX for the Ages

By Early Investing on January 6, 2023

GMX is the latest addition to the Crypto Asset Strategies portfolio. GMX is a rising star in the world of decentralized exchanges. In November, GMX surpassed Uniswap in terms of daily fees earned. And it has performed remarkably well during the…
Between FTX’s collapse and Binance’s current problems — which I wrote about for Early Investing this week — it’s clear that large centralized exchanges have become pain points in the crypto ecosystem. There are good reasons to…