Archive: facebook cryptocurrency
Arbit Poll: Who Should Be Allowed to Innovate?
By Early Investing on July 22, 2019
Congress doesn’t trust Facebook to innovate payment services. But if big tech can’t innovate, then who can?
Why Facebook Recruited Plenty of Friends to Govern Libra
By Vin Narayanan on June 24, 2019
When Facebook announced its Libra cryptocurrency, everyone started to freak out about Facebook taking over the world. In reality, it’s getting help from some friends.
Crypto’s Bull Market Returns
By Adam Sharp on June 14, 2019
The crypto bull market is back. And things are looking up from here.
Facebook’s Coin Will Repackage the Status Quo
By Andy Gordon on May 8, 2019
Facebook is already being hailed as revolutionary for looking to create its own digital coin. But it hardly fits that description.