Archive: Vipin Jain
Blendid Makes Splendid Progress
By Teddy Lyons on July 21, 2022
Update as of October 13, 2022: Blendid’s raise is closing tomorrow. The company has made significant strides since our update, and we feel you should know the very latest in case you want to make a last minute investment. In July 2022, Blendid opened a Jamba by Blendid at UCLA. It has been a huge success so far and is producing significantly higher revenue than any other location. With…
Startup Insider: Vipin Jain on Star Trek and Food Robotics
By Early Investing on February 22, 2021
When you build an incredible food robot and your first two big customers are Walmart and Jamba Juice, you’re doing something right. That’s why we invited Blendid co-founder Vipin Jain to join us on First Stage Investor’s Startup Insider to discuss what his food robot does, how it…