Archive: Underground Cellar
Portfolio Update
By Adam Sharp on February 12, 2015
Dear Startup Investor, Now that our portfolio has reached 21 companies plus the pre-IPO fund, we’re experimenting with new ways to update members on portfolio companies. We have some exciting updates to share, starting with Underground Cellar. But first, a note about limitations to our updates. Because we aren’t investors in the companies we recommend, we are not always able to access sensitive information. Certain startups are guarded with their data, and revealing certain information could harm their business by…
New Recommendation: Underground Cellar
By Adam Sharp on September 15, 2014
Our latest recommendation is exciting for a number of reasons. First, you’ll be investing alongside Barbara Corcoran from ABC’s Shark Tank. Barbara’s a real estate mogul who has migrated to startup investing, and happens to be my favorite of the “Sharks” who invest in startups on their top-rated TV…