Archive: relief rally

Demystifying Bitcoin Bottom Predictions

By Olivia Strobl on August 5, 2022

Editor’s Note: Vin is out of the office this week. So KingsCrowd Investment Research Manager Olivia Strobl is stepping in. We think you’ll enjoy her take on the crypto markets. Crypto Market Musings So much happened last week that I don’t know where to begin. Last Wednesday, the Federal Reserve bumped interest rates by 75 basis points in an attempt to curb inflation. Sound familiar? This is the second…

News Fix: Crypto Bear Market Edition

By Allison Brickell on August 3, 2022

We’ve made it to the dog days of summer. The crypto markets haven’t exactly been hot — in fact, they’ve been pretty cold for the last few months. But that doesn’t mean it’s all bad news.  Market Update The crypto market is still in bear market…