Archive: medical testing
Startup Insider: Medical Testing’s Golden Age
By Early Investing on April 21, 2021
We have a special treat for you this week. Our First Stage Investor members (click here to sign up) regularly get to hear Andy Gordon and Vin Narayanan interview founders. This week, we’re releasing a very special interview they conducted Friday to the entire Early Investing community. On Friday, Andy and Vin talked to Jonathan Cohen, the founder and CEO of 20/20 GeneSystems. Andy…
Webinar: Ask This Startup Founder About His Move to COVID-19 Tests
By Andy Gordon on April 1, 2020
20/20 GeneSystems’ founder and CEO answers questions about the company moving into providing rapid COVID-19 tests.
Webinar: Ask 20/20 GeneSystems About Its Move to COVID-19 Tests
By Andy Gordon on March 30, 2020
20/20 GeneSystems founder and CEO answers questions about the company moving into providing rapid COVID-19 tests.