Archive: impact investor
A Sweet Way to Identify Your Investment Style
By Allison Brickell on October 28, 2022
Halloween is nearly upon us. And investors have experienced their share of spooks this month. I shared a scary investment story. Inflation grew and sent the markets tumbling. And Mark Zuckerberg continued to use his unsettling Metaverse avatar. We’ve faced some hard times this month. So I wanted to lighten things up and write about the different kinds of…
A Truly Terrifying Tale of a Terrible Investment
By Allison Brickell on October 5, 2022
My friend Jason told me it was a great idea. “He’s already got tons of regulars,” he said. “They love his drinks. And we would get shares at a discount because he knows my brother! He just needs some money to get this new place started.”…
Lessons From a New Startup Investor
By Allison Brickell on April 6, 2022
I’ve been working at investment-related companies since 2015. But I’m still pretty new to the investing world. My background is in communication and journalism, not finance. So for the last seven years or so, I’ve been researching the online startup markets and observing my colleagues’ approach to investing.