Archive: google searches
Ethereum Merge Searches Give ETH a Boost
By Vin Narayanan on April 8, 2022
Google searches are an interesting signal in crypto investing. They’re not necessarily predictive. But they do often correlate with price. The correlation between Google searches for bitcoin and the price of bitcoin is fairly well established. The more searches there are, the higher the price goes. And it makes sense. As bitcoin’s price rises, more people talk about it. The more people talk about it, the more…
Everyone Is Googling CBD
By Allison Brickell on October 28, 2019
Americans are Googling cannabidiol and CBD more than ever. This increased interest is another reason we desperately need marijuana reform.
Crypto Monitor: Optimizing Your Portfolio
By Early Investing on July 5, 2019
Between Google searches and price catalysts, bitcoin has been on a roll lately.