Archive: ethereum mining
Why Some Market Events Aren’t “Priced In”
By Olivia Strobl on September 16, 2022
Crypto Market Musings The long-awaited Ethereum Merge occurred September 15th at around 3 AM ET. As of this writing, ethereum is down around 8% following the Merge. The Ethereum blockchain has now moved from a proof of work consensus mechanism to proof of stake. Let’s break down what this means. In order for the blockchain to work, a large number of computers need to verify transactions.
The Crypto Rally Is Over – What’s Next?
By Yasmin Sharbaf on August 19, 2022
Editor’s Note: Vin is out of the office attending LA Tech Week. So KingsCrowd Investment Research Analyst Yasmin Sharbaf is filling in for him on this weekly crypto market update. We think you’ll be interested to hear her point of view. Crypto Market Musings Last week,…