Archive: ethereum classic
Crypto Insider: Ripple Effects of the Ethereum Merge
By Early Investing on September 12, 2022
The Ethereum Merge — when Ethereum will shift from a proof of work protocol to a proof of stake protocol — is almost here. It’s scheduled to happen within a week. Ethereum developers set September 19 as the soft deadline, but they seem to be ahead of schedule, so it could happen as early as Wednesday or Thursday. As a result, ETH has broken out of the crypto market’s downward trajectory and is outperforming. But Ethereum…
The Crypto Rally Is Over – What’s Next?
By Yasmin Sharbaf on August 19, 2022
Editor’s Note: Vin is out of the office attending LA Tech Week. So KingsCrowd Investment Research Analyst Yasmin Sharbaf is filling in for him on this weekly crypto market update. We think you’ll be interested to hear her point of view. Crypto Market Musings Last week,…
Mailbag: Crypto Hacks, Using Bitcoin to Buy Coffee
By Early Investing on February 24, 2019
In this week’s Mailbag, Andy talks crypto hacks and Adam discusses why he probably won’t be buying coffee with bitcoin anytime soon.
Rhode Island Fears Missing Out, Ethereum Classic Gets Some Money Back
By Allison Brickell on January 19, 2019
In this week’s News Fix, startup founders question the venture capital model, Rhode Island experiences FOMO and ethereum classic gets some relief after a 51% attack.
Understanding Canada’s Marijuana Market, 51% Attacks
By Early Investing on January 13, 2019
In this week’s Mailbag, the Early Investing team answers questions about Canada’s underground marijuana market and 51% attacks on crypto.
News Fix: Startups Transform Transportation, Kentucky to Consider Legalizing Medical Marijuana
By Allison Brickell on January 12, 2019
In this week’s News Fix, medical marijuana support comes to Kentucky, Ethereum Classic has a rough day and companies at the Consumer Electronics Show envision a new future for the transportation industry.
Coinbase to Expand Offerings on State-by-State Basis
By Vin Narayanan on September 29, 2018
Coinbase’s decision to make new coins available for trading on a state-by-state basis is welcome news for crypto investors. But it also raises key questions that need answering.
News Fix: Institutional Investor Infrastructure for Crypto Continues to Grow
By Vin Narayanan on August 18, 2018
Institutional investors need ways to buy (and sell) large chunks of cryptocurrency. A startup backed by some heavyweight investors has found the solution.