Archive: early detection
New Pick: This Noninvasive Glucose Monitoring Solution Could Help 422 Million People
By Andy Gordon on February 10, 2022
I worry a lot about Mark, Liz and Julia. Mark was my flatmate in London in 1975, and we’ve kept in close touch ever since. Liz and Julia are my sisters-in-law. They all have diabetes. I already lost a dear friend to diabetes last year. I don’t want to lose another one. All three are very diligent about keeping their sugar levels under control. But it’s a huge hassle — and it’s expensive. It costs $25…
Startup Insider: Medtech Portfolio Company Changes Name
By Early Investing on February 7, 2022
Heart failure is a massive health problem in the U.S. More than 6 million Americans have it. And it’s one of the most expensive health problems for patients to manage. Early detection is the key for effective treatment. But no company has been able to provide…