Archive: diligence
Brick-and-Mortar Retail Isn’t Dying
By Andy Gordon on November 4, 2020
Thank goodness this isn’t the 80’s. If COVID-19 happened back then, we’d be in a full-blown depression by now. The rolling shutdown of non-essential stores and restaurants across the country would have maimed and crippled the economy. The 80’s had great music but no internet — and no way to shop or pay for things online. The economic devastation would have been incomparably more damaging than today. But things have changed much since the…
Don’t Miss Out on Startup Deals Like I Did
By Adam Sharp on October 27, 2020
A few years back, I was invited to invest in — a meditation app. “Meditation app?!” I thought. And then I quickly dismissed the deal. It’s gone on to be an absolutely massive winner. The company has grown incredibly — it’s now reportedly raising at…