Archive: crypto trading


New Pick: A Storm-Proof Decentralized Exchange Crypto

By Vin Narayanan on December 22, 2022

There are many things we can learn from the FTX debacle. First, and most importantly, FTX’s core problems had little to do with crypto. Fraud, mismanagement, hubris and lack of board oversight — among other things — created an unnecessary crypto crisis where countless crypto investors lost their money. The other big lessons to learn are the dangers of centralization and fragility.  One of the driving forces behind crypto’s adoption is…

Crypto Markets Spiral on FTX’s Bankruptcy News

By Vin Narayanan on November 16, 2022

Someday, there will be a Netflix documentary about Sam Bankman-Fried. SBF — as he’s known in crypto circles — was worth more than $14 billion about 10 days ago. Today, the founder and former CEO of popular crypto exchange FTX is bankrupt. SBF’s stunning fall from grace is…

New Pick: Invest in Better Crypto Wallets

By Vin Narayanan on July 29, 2022

We’re firm believers in investing in good projects with long-term upside — projects that can survive multiple bear markets, thrive in bull markets and deliver outsized returns over the long run. Finding projects like that with solid traction is even more difficult.
Bitcoin has historically been a non-correlated asset. Over the last 12 years or so, bitcoin has not moved in tandem with the stock market.  But this year, that relationship changed. Bitcoin seems to be moving in lockstep with the broader markets.  But why? And…

The Investor’s Guide to Making Money in Crypto

By Adam Sharp on January 28, 2022

I talked with an old friend this week. After we caught up, he asked, “You still doing that crypto stuff?” He wanted advice on various coins, trading and people to follow. So I told him what I know. Here are the key points. Don’t Trade…

Investors Overreact to Crypto Dips

By Adam Sharp on November 19, 2021

Bitcoin and DeFi (decentralized finance) tokens have been on an absolute tear over the last year. One year ago today, bitcoin’s price was around $18,600. Today it’s above $58,000. Ethereum was around $500 this time last year, and it’s over $4,000 today. Solana (SOL) is up…

Why You Should Avoid Crypto Trading

By Adam Sharp on October 8, 2021

Almost everyone I know in the crypto community considers themselves a “trader.” Not an investor, a trader. They try to time the market, often using leverage. A lot of people assume that trading is the path to riches.

Crypto Monitor: Bitcoin’s Price Dip Is Not a Reason to Sell

By Early Investing on September 27, 2019

Bitcoin and altcoins have had a rough week. And Bakkt’s crypto trading platform is off to a slow start. But there’s still plenty to look forward to.

Mailbag: How to Navigate the Binance Shutdown

By Early Investing on June 23, 2019

In this week’s Mailbag, the Early Investing team explains what investors can do about the Binance shutdown in the U.S. and how Facebook might profit from its Libra cryptocurrency.
Fidelity, the fifth-largest asset manager in the world, is spinning off a cryptocurrency trading company for institutional investors. But the market hasn’t moved. What is it waiting for?