Archive: bear market


New Pick: An Optimistic Crypto With Forward Momentum

By Vin Narayanan on February 24, 2023

I used to write about horse racing for a living. It was a long time ago. And it was fun! I loved going to the track and talking to trainers, watching people place bets, reveling in the ferocious thunder of hooves hitting the dirt in the stretch run, and hearing crowds roar as horses approached the finish line. It was exhilarating. One of the more interesting aspects of horse racing is the wagering. Track…

New Pick: With Great Risk Comes Great Reward

By Vin Narayanan on February 16, 2023

We talk about risk all the time in investing. In the stock markets, companies can fail or not meet expectations. And if that happens, stock prices can go down or tank. In real estate, a property’s value could drop over time. Or it might not generate as much…

Three Ways 2023 Can Benefit Investors

By Allison Brickell on December 28, 2022

We’re just a few days away from the start of a new year. So I’m reflecting on all the things that have happened in 2022… and all the things that may happen in 2023.  2022 was a rough year for the stock, startup and crypto markets.

New Pick: The Best of the Oracle Blockchains

By Vin Narayanan on October 24, 2022

I say or write “timing the market is a fool’s errand”™ so often I’ve started trademarking it. It’s almost impossible to predict the bottom of any market. And crypto markets are much more difficult to predict than others. The crypto markets have been stuck in neutral for extended…

Bitcoin Gives Investors a Break During the Bear Market

By Vin Narayanan on October 21, 2022

Crypto Market Musings Bitcoin (BTC) is traditionally an extremely volatile asset. But not right now. Bitcoin volatility (.BVOL) is at a 100-day low. Since September 1, bitcoin has largely been trading in a narrow range between $18,400 and $20,000. And BTC…

How to Take a Value Investing Approach to Crypto

By Vin Narayanan on October 14, 2022

This week’s inflation news was not good. Inflation, unsurprisingly, has risen faster than expected despite the Fed’s aggressive rate hikes. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is up 0.4% from last month, and the core CPI (which excludes highly volatile food and…

New Pick: The Next Generation of Sports Fandom

By Vin Narayanan on September 30, 2022

It’s been a heavy year for crypto investors. We’ve spent the year talking about bear markets, inflation, interest rates, stock market correlation, dollar cost averaging and so much more.  These are all important topics. They’re hardly fun or exciting, though. And investing in crypto…

Regulators Try to Tighten Their Grip on Crypto

By Yasmin Sharbaf on September 23, 2022

Crypto Market Musings On Wednesday, the Fed raised interest rates for the third time this year by 75 basis points. Both the stock and crypto markets responded quickly to the aggressive rate hike. As of this writing, bitcoin is down 2.6% and trading below $19,000. Ethereum fell by…
If you want to find out just how long this bear market is going to last and the market forces driving it, click here to read the report I provided to First Stage Investor members. …

Inflation Is Keeping the Crypto Bear Market Alive

By Vin Narayanan on September 15, 2022

If you’re a crypto investor, you might as well grab a Snickers bar because this bear market is not going anywhere for a while. The crypto bear market is largely being driven by the declining stock markets. The stock…
The August update of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) dropped yesterday. And the news is… not great. The CPI increased 0.1% for the month and 8.3% over the past year. Excluding food and energy costs, the CPI rose 6.3% from last August. The markets slumped right…

Crypto Insider: Ripple Effects of the Ethereum Merge

By Early Investing on September 12, 2022

The Ethereum Merge — when Ethereum will shift from a proof of work protocol to a proof of stake protocol — is almost here. It’s scheduled to happen within a week. Ethereum developers set September 19 as the soft deadline, but they seem to be ahead of schedule,…

How to Invest During a Bear Market (and Stay Sane)

By Vin Narayanan on August 12, 2022

I talk about investing all the time. I speak to groups at investment conferences. I talk about investing on multiple podcasts. I write about investing. I text about it with my friends. My barber talks to me about it while I’m getting a haircut (I’d rather talk football,…
As I’ve written — and said — often, trying to time the markets is a fool’s errand. The crypto markets, in particular, are too volatile to time precisely. And for buy-and-hold investors, investment time horizons are more important than investing at exactly the right moment. If you’re holding…

New Pick: Invest in Better Crypto Wallets

By Vin Narayanan on July 29, 2022

We’re firm believers in investing in good projects with long-term upside — projects that can survive multiple bear markets, thrive in bull markets and deliver outsized returns over the long run. Finding projects like that with solid traction is even more difficult.

Startup Insider: The Perfect Time to Invest in Startups

By Early Investing on July 11, 2022

Investing in startups is an opportunity to bet on the future. And they have very different risk considerations than stock investments do.  Given the current bearish state of the stock market, startup investing seems more important than ever. The S&P 500 fell almost 21% in the…