Archive: bacteria
Five Ways to Balance Your Microbiome
By Adam Sharp on November 9, 2021
I’ve been spending a lot of time lately researching the importance of the microbiome — the trillions of microbes (including bacteria, viruses and fungi) that live in and on our bodies. What’s mind-blowing is that a healthy microbiome plays a key role in preventing so many diseases and medical conditions. To name a few I’ve been looking into: arthritis, eczema, cancer,…
Microbiome Startups Are the New Frontier for Investors
By Adam Sharp on July 27, 2021
The health area I’m most excited about for the next 10-plus years is microbiome medicine. A microbiome is the collection of microorganisms in a particular environment, like soil or the human body. One of the most important microbiomes in our body is our gut microbiome. It’s…