Archive: 20/20 Gene Systems
The One Thing All Good Founders Have in Common
By Andy Gordon on March 10, 2021
Why do founders become founders? There are certainly easier paths to wealth. Like what I do. A good startup investor makes more than a great startup founder eight out of 10 times. I should know — I’ve done both. And I’ve made a lot more investing in founders than trying to be one. There are many paths that entail fewer hours and less heartache that what founders endure. Develop real estate. Finance a new…
The Best Startups ‘Cheat’
By Andy Gordon on September 2, 2020
I love cheaters. In fact, I only invest in startups that “cheat.” I don’t mean companies that are running scams or lying about their services. No, I mean the startups that redefine — that cheat — the game of risk and reward. Companies that can lower…