First Stage Investor

Startup Insider: A Conversation With Serial Entrepreneur Mark Lynn

Startup Insider: A Conversation With Serial Entrepreneur Mark Lynn
By Early Investing
Date January 10, 2022

In the article

AMASS Brands

Valuation $110,000,000
Total Raised $36,563

While many Americans across the country have pledged to take part in dry January, others still seek out alcohol as a way to relax and socialize. 

If only there was a high-quality company that could provide for both types of consumers…

That’s where Amass comes in.

Andy Gordon first presented Amass to First Stage Investor subscribers last September. Amass – led by seasoned entrepreneur Mark Lynn – is a high-end beverage and lifestyle brand. The company produces high-quality botanical spirits and non-alcoholic beverages, as well as candles, soaps, lotions and more. 

In today’s episode of Startup Insider, Andy Gordon and Allison Brickell catch up with Mark to learn about the company’s successes, COVID-related challenges, new non-alcoholic products and more. 

Amass is still raising on SeedInvest. But the round closes at the end of January. 

Thanks for watching!

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