Portal Instructions
The first step is to join SeedInvest as an investor. Go to SeedInvest by clicking right here or pasting the address https://www.seedinvest.com/ into your URL box. You’ll then see this…
Click on the blue box that says JOIN AS AN INVESTOR.
When you fill in your name and email, you’ll see this…
Even though you don’t have to be an accredited investor to make this investment, click “yes” if you qualify as an accredited investor. (By the way, the government is requiring SeedInvest to collect this information.) You’ll then see this box pop up…
Click on the section that pertains to you. For most of you, you will select the top box. Then hit the JOIN SEEDINVEST button.
You’re now logged in to SeedInvest.
The portal will now ask questions about your investing interests. You can answer them or not. It’s strictly optional. You don’t have to if you don’t want to.
Either way, you’re ready to make your online investment now. So click on SeedInvest or type seedinvest.com into your URL window. Then, once you’re on the page, click on the far left box below that says Virtuix…
You’ll see this…
Click on the blue box that says INVEST IN VIRTUIX. This screen will appear…
Put in the amount you’d like to invest and hit CONFIRM AMOUNT. A new window will pop up that asks you to select an “investor account.” Most of you will check “Myself.”
Then you’ll be asked to fill in some basic contact information. When you’re done, hit CONTINUE.
Continue to fill in your background information in the box below…
When you’re done, hit CONTINUE. Then, put in your Social Security number below.
Next, SeedInvest wants to confirm your accredited investor status. Do that below by clicking one of the two boxes and…
You’re done! Hit COMPLETE.
You’ll now see this: “You are investing in Virtuix.” You can now select how you want to wire your funds…
I think doing it online is the easier way to go. But it’s up to you, of course. If you choose to do it online, fill in the following and click on ADD BANK ACCOUNT…
You’re almost done! The last step is confirming your investment. But before you do that, this is your last chance to make sure the information you entered is correct. So look at your investment amount. As you can see below, if it’s not correct, you can now edit it.
You can also edit your address information and your funding method information.
Once you’ve made sure all this information is correct, you’re ready for the final step. Go ahead and check the three boxes below (after reading through all linked materials) and click on I ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE.
You’re done.
If you’re wiring manually, you should do so within the next day or two. While there’s no huge rush, I’d do it sooner rather than later to make sure you get in before the raise closes.
And that’s it. But keep an eye on your inbox for any emails from SeedInvest. For example, they may want to confirm with you that you know the wire is coming from your account.
Also, if you are having difficulty at any point in the process, click on the “Chat with Us” link, which is on every page as you go through the application process.
Good luck.